Index to Limelight and Then


Showing 19 entries

Ridley, Ron

Bell Company offices in Kingston. Speaker: John Grenville. Limelight, May 2014.

Carleton Island: International Dispute. Speaker: Walter Lewis. Hagermann, Smyth, Mahaghan. Limelight, October 2013.

Caton, Dr. Julie - Speaker. Madleine d Roybon D'Allone. Limelight, April 2013.

Cossar, Rev. Bruce - Speaker. Portsmouth Village 1859 - 1951. Limelight, May 2014.

D'Allone, Madeline de Roybon. Speaker: Dr. Julie Caton: settlement of Kingston. Limelight, April 2013.

Flu Pandemic, 1918-19. Speaker: Prof Joe Scanlon, Casey Hurell, Nicole Marion. Limelight, September 2014.

Fort Henry Guard. Speaker: Steve Mecredy - a past member of the guard. Limelight, May 2012.

Fort Henry: Mascot. 50 years ago: 6 Jun 1854 first mascot. Limelight, September 2003.

Garcia, Bob - Speaker. Murney Tower's role in defence of Kingston. Limelight, September 2013.

Grenville, John - Speaker. Bell Company Offices in Kingston. Limelight, May 2014.

Lewis, Walter - Speaker. Carleton Island and gang of smugglers. Limelight, October 2013.

Loyalty to the Crown: 1819-1841. Speaker: Steven Smith: PhD student in History. Limelight, February 2013.

McCrae, John & 2nd Battle of Ypres. Speaker: Paul Van Nest. Limelight, January 2015.

Mecredy, Steve - Speaker. Fort Henry Guard. Limelight, May 2012.

Murney Tower, role in defence of Kingston. Speaker: Bob Garcia. Limelight, September 2013.

Portsmouth Village 1859 - 1951 - program. Speaker: Bruce Cossar. Limelight, May 2014.

Scanlon, Prof Joe - Speaker. Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19. Limelight, September 2014.

Smith, Steven - Speaker. Loyalty to the Crown between 1819 and 1841. Limelight, February 2013.

Van Nest, Paul - Speaker. John McCrae and 2nd Battle of Ypres. Limelight, January 2015.